Fighting the Bloat Monster: weapons every bride should have

The week before your wedding is a crucial time to make sure you eat right, stay active and sleep right! Not only do you have to deal with family coming into town but you also have to deal with the last minute details that could make or break the deal. With out the proper sleep and exercise you will feel the ever so pleasant fatigue monster creeping into your daily routine. Most brides handle this battle reasonably and are able to get through the week without too much to complain about…

But what about the BLOAT monster? How do we battle this evil fiend we call bloating? We all seem to have one hiding in the closet until special occassions come around the corner and before you know it “poof” there it is…bloating. Ugh! And let’s face it when we are bloated we do not feel good, not one bit. The perfect dress no longer seems to fit as nice or look as good and energy levels go down the tube…..not how you want to feel on one of the biggest days of your life.

Bloating is an ugly beast but with the right training and proper weapons triumph is your battle call! Ladies, fear no more you too can win the war and feel awesome for your wedding!

Wedding Weapons:

  • fruits such as: grapefruit, peaches, plums and berries,etc
  • veggies like: ASPARAGUS (super bloat fighter), squash, edamame, lettuce,spinach,etc
  • almonds, hazelnuts, etc
  • Tea

Bridal Kryptonite:

  • Chewing gum
  • beans, garlic, broccoli/cauliflower, cabbage, onions
  • high fructose corn syrup sweets
  • Pop and other carbonated drinks
  • starchy foods (pasta and french fries)

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