The Daily Planner for your wedding plans

So he popped the question, you ‘ve announced the engagement to your closestfriends and family and you are off to planning a wedding. If you are not going to hire a live wedding planner and choose to handle the details with your handy wedding planner from Amazon or your local book store then keep reading.

You see the many wedding planners you have to pick from are outstanding and you really can’t go wrong. They have the famous “to do” and “when to do” lists with advice on etiquetteand trackers for your vendors. Then you have the monthly calendar to keep track of your appointments and time lines. I personally recommend that you find a wedding planner that also has a pocket calendar that you can slide into your purse or the pocket of your daily planner.

Ladies my daily planner was a life saver. Find a planner that has monthly overview and the weekly timeline with daily hours. It is a peace mind being able to balance your work, family and the rest of your life with the wedding planning process. The regular wedding planners guide you with the wedding priorities but the daily planner will keep you sane!  It’s great, think about it, the two of you lovebirds can sit down on Sunday nights (or the night that works best for you) and plan, do, review. You will find the tension and stress levels will decrease and your intimacy will increase. When my husband and I sit down together to plan our weeks and discuss our goals and “to dos” we appreciate each other so much more. Plus you can turn it into a romantic event. Cuddle up on the couch, make a yummy drink (hot chocolate or wine…) and snack, and plan away. I have to admit our sweetest conversations came from these planning sessions.

Okay, so ladies you get it…right? The daily planner will be your best friend during your engagement! You won’t miss the little things, like appointments and ordering deadlines, and your fiance will love the low levels of stress.[ad#Google Adsense Wide]

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