Father of the Bride Speeches

For some odd reason the Father of the Bride Toast can be absolutely tear jerking, full of laughs or down right lame (if not properly prepared). If you’re not careful and in control you just might end up with the latter (eek!). As you are approaching the last weeks make sure your dad has seen some wedding speech guidelines and advice before he stands before your guests with the ever so taunting microphone and embarrasses you and your new honey or himself. Granted some people are great speakers but really only a handful of individuals are naturals with public speaking and the rest have to work at it or just produce an awkward flop. Trust me this is something to take into consideration, especially if like me where you come from one of Colorado’s intimate small towns and your dad’s social life is based on fly fishing and driving a truck.

For example: At our wedding, my dad grabbed the microphone and started to babble on about how he tried to influence my older sister and I to be “outdoorsy” and tuff but failed when it came to me…uh…what?… excuse me…Wow, not a good idea to bash the bride, especially if the facts are wrong. We’re not sure what his main point was during the toast in the midst of his rambling and could only think about the dance time he was waisting. Be on your “A Game” chicas!! You never know what kind of curve ball your dad is going to toss…you never know.

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