Quiero Taco Bell Weightloss

In my search for some great ideas for “healthier” meals I came across this article about Weight Loss via Taco Bell Fresco Menu. Taco Bell now has commercials with a woman who disciplined herself with lower calories and ate the fresco meals instead of the bean burrito or the cheesy quesadilla for two years and in result lost about two pounds a month which can add up!! She monitored her calorie intake and was more active, she just so happen to be a Taco Bell fan (which I am too!!) Of course there is an outrage that Taco Bell is trying to ride health band wagon but I don’t care. What I am stoked about is that weight loss the right way is taking place and anyone can do it! No joke, I swear my life on it! A few weeks ago our neighbors shared with us that there was a study that proved “no matter what” you can’t lose weight and keep it off… uh, excuse me! There is so much proof out there smacking us in the face of real people making good choices and making a difference in life that you would be blind to believe it is not possible. But maybe that’s it, we are so numb to the world and our bodies that we don’t see that the simple things in life are what matter.  Over the last six months I have been steadily focusing on my activity level and how I eat which has led to weight loss and great results in body curves. I went from 126 lbs to a solid 118 working towards 115. I am not a health freak or a doctor nor am I obese or extremely overweight ….I just didn’t feel good and the slightly squishy belly was not my best friend. I love that Taco bell is putting this lady out there, she made a choice just like any body else and she followed through with it. While you are getting ready for your big day take care of your body and be active, but also remember you are human! (Enjoying a night with ice cream and popcorn is fine…as long as you’re not doing it every night). Lose weight the healthy way!

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